Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daily Life

Hi there! I haven't done any more super exciting things (like throw up after drinking wine, ha!), but I'd like to tell you about my semi-scheduled life here in Sydney since things are starting to become routine. Since I work at a restaurant I usually work the dinner shift (so far) so my evenings go fairly late usually which means I sleep later and later into the day. I haven't gone past noon so far and I'm going to try to maintain that. Once I get up, I do the usual breakfast, shower, get ready for the day thing like everyone else on the planet, but then I have some free time. Some days I choose to surf... the internet. Thanks to Abbey showing me a blog a while back ( that keeps me fairly entertained for a bit. Other days I walk around the city, go to a park and read a book, or meet friends for lunch, etc. Normal random day things. Then I usually have work in the evenings. I leave my uniform in the change room at work so I just go wearing whatever and get ready there. At work I run drinks to tables mostly, but I also wash glasses, polish wine glasses, fold napkins, make settings, clear and re-set tables, and whatever random things the managers come up with for us to do. It sounds terribly boring and it does get monotonous, but the people are fantastic. I genuinely like almost every single person I work with which is a big deal since it is a huge restaurant. Jordon's has room for 600 guests to eat dinner so there are quite a few staff members. The other "support" girls (my job) are awesome, the bartenders are hilarious, the "captains" (waiters/waitresses) are mostly amazing, the "foodys" (guys that run food and work in the kitchen) are generally good guys, and the chefs are nice but they don't wear name tags like everyone else has to so it's harder to get to know them. I have closed almost every shift I've worked so far and almost every night someone is going "upstairs" (to COHI BAR) after work for a "cheeky beer." I've gone fairly regularly since I like everyone so much. I only dislike 1. the fact the the drinks at COHI are pretty expensive and I worked so hard for my money and 2. almost every single person I work with smokes so it sometimes bothers me and I think I would smell bad when I got home if I didn't have a nice 10-15 minute walk home to air-out. After the walk home I try not to wake Manon as I crawl into my top bunk to crash and do it all over again. :) Life is good. I still don't really know my purpose here, but I'm enjoying getting to know everyone!!

Miss you all! Send me mail! :) Cheers!

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