Friday, September 11, 2009

second day on the job...

So, if my first day of work was good and easy... my second day was an almost total disaster. It was Friday night so I was expecting it to be super busy and hectic, but it really wasn't. The night before was crazy busy for a while because we were under-staffed because two people didn't show up or something. Anyway, that was the good news. Bad news, I still don't know what the heck I am doing most of the time and there are like thousands of table numbers to remember. I ended up spilling a Stella on a lady (she was super nice about it though and I said at least I didn't spill your red wine on you!), then I broke 3 glasses over the evening and the last one cut my right hand and my left arm. I also ALMOST fell up the stairs at one point, but I caught myself (yes, it's possible to fall UP the stairs). The manager mercifully let me and Allie go home at 11 after only 5 hours of work since it wasn't so busy. We ended up meeting our friends at the Cargo Bar across the harbour. We danced for a little while then (I was exhausted) we went home.

Hopefully after a day at Manly Beach my shift tonight will go smoothly... fingers crossed...

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