Thursday, September 10, 2009

International nights, beaches, and I got a job!

SOOOOOO sorry that it has been over a week since I posted on here... it's not even like I have a good excuse like Courtney or anything, I DO have internet access at home pretty much all the time. But, there has been a lot going on lately so let me get to it.

I wish I could share all the stories but I simply do not have time to type them all here, so I'll just highlight some of the good ones. Russo and my new friend Clark moved into the apartment downstairs in the same building and now we have taken over the building. I love all of the people here. My apartment has 9 people in it and since we are all from different countries I had the idea of doing these "International Nights" where we cook food from our home country for everyone in the apartment and whoever else wants to come. Manon went first and cooked us some French food and made crepes!!! They were delicious. We ended up having 15 people in our kitchen just hanging out, drinking wine, and eating. It was exactly what I had in mind. I cooked on Monday and made fajitas because honestly, what IS American food?? Everything came from somewhere else anyway. I did look up some American foods as research and found out that while we usually think of fajitas as Mexican food, they originated in Texas. They were the obvious choice after that and they ended up being delicious. I made cupcakes and brownies for dessert. If you've looked at my facebook pics the cupcakes were very photogenic. Wednesday night Mike and Philippe cooked some food from Belgium. It was really good. And since we'd been eating so many desserts (Manon made crepes again on Sunday... with Nutella for sure, no worries) the boys made us some fruit salad and it was yummy as well. That's as far as we've gotten on International Nights but we still have German, Columbian, and and more German food to eat. It's like a trip around the world! haha

Inbetween all the international food, Russo and I went to Manly on the ferry (it was so freaking exciting!) and hired bikes for a few hours. We got lost at first, but we rode the bikes along the beach and found this really cool hole through the rocks (see photos on fb). Sadly, it started to raid so we didn't get to go to the Northhead, but we will go back. Russo, Manon, Clark, Mike, and I also went to Bondi beach to go surfing last weekend. We hired surfboards and wetsuits from this shop and my wetsuit looked like a shark had taken a bite out of it. Mike's didn't even have a zipper pull! It was pretty funny. Clark put his on backwards at first until Russo helped him out. Finally, we got in the water (which was like 14-15 degrees celsius - COLD) and my feet went numb almost instantly. Manon was a badass surfer and stood up all the time and Russo was out there with some of the larger waves (which were REALLY intimidatingly scary and they hurt when they crashed on you). As for the rest of us, we played in the smaller waves and never really surfed. We did a lot of body surfing which was awesome. I maintain that my board was too short to be good for a beginner and that it's impossible for me to stand up on feet that I can no longer feel. I'll try surfing again when it's warmer... and maybe I'll take another lesson. Allie said she'd do a surf school with me.

Allie had been hating her job and wanting to quit for a while, so we signed up to do this RSA (Responsible Serving of Alcohol) course that you have to have to work in a restaurant or bar just in case we got jobs like that. It was over 6 hours long on Tuesday and was super boring. The man just kept telling us what drunk people looked like and how to refuse to continue serving them. Good info, but 6 hours?? Anyway, it was a good thing we did the course because we now both have jobs! I went walking around on Wednesday handing out my resume like candy to everyone who would take it and finally walked into Jordon's seafood. They handed me an application to fill out and asked if I had time for an interview. I said sure and waited for a while, had my interview, and got a job as a drink runner! Basically you order drinks from the waiter, it goes to the bar where the bartenders make them, then I take the drinks to your table and serve them to you. I open bottles of wine and champagne in front of the customers (which I totally suck at, but I'll get better), pour your wine or beer into your glass for you and it's all very fancy. I feel like I'm awful, but I didn't break anything or spill anything on my first day so I guess that's good. Funny enough, Allie got a job at Jordon's too! She starts tonight. I think it's going to be really fun to work with her. The other people I met last night were good too. AND it's incredible money! minimum wage here is like 16 or 17 an hour and I think I'll make around 20. Isn't that ridiculous?! Sadly it's like the most I've ever made. But good for me so I can save some money and then TRAVEL! whoo hoo!!!

So lots more stuff has happened, but those are the major items (and the ones with corresponding pictures on fb). Hope everyone else is doing well!! I would love some mail/email/texts/messenger pigeons from y'all!


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