Monday, October 5, 2009

i. love. my. job.

Get this, Friday I worked a double, Saturday I worked a double, Sunday I worked a double, and today I worked the lunch shift. This evening was my first chance to sit around and be lazy and can I tell you I enjoyed it! My legs are tired and I swear my wrist could hold up an elephant by now after carrying all those trays! But seriously, I love my job! I have so much fun at work (most of the time) that I honestly don't mind the double shifts. The people are great, like I mentioned before, and I'm getting to the point where I'm pretty good at what I do. I haven't spilled a drink in over a week now! haha, hilarious that that is an achievement. Today I was even a cocktail waitress in the bar area and possibly might start training behind the bar soon? We'll see about that, but if I do that'd be so fun. My work mate/ flat mate/ IEP mate/ good mate Allie starts behind the bar this week and I am so excited for her. But she worked at a bar back home and actually knows what she is doing, while I know absolutely nothing about making drinks. It would be totally awesome to work WITH her behind the bar, but right now that is only a dream. :) Who knows, it may happen... and we'd get SOOO many tips! haha

So, tomorrow I have to get organized (you've got to get organized, you've got to get organized... if you know what that is from you're awesome) for my trip! Wednesday morning I am flying to Melbourne then on to Hobart, Tasmania! Manon left this morning with her boss and I am meeting her there for a week of fun roomie-bonding traveling! I am so excited, but I've been gone so much lately that I have no idea what the plans are. I'm totally winging this trip and it's super exciting for me. I will miss work, especially since so many of the cool people are leaving soon :(, but no worries! I just hope it doesn't rain all week and that I can fit a week's worth of needed stuff into my backpack... this will be interesting.

Love and miss you all! Hope things are great back in the states. :)

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