Thursday, October 22, 2009

dunno mate...

This week has been a pretty solid good week so far, but tonight I was getting a bit lonely. In actuality I'm far from alone or lonely really, but there is some sort of funk going on in my head tonight. Lots of people from work have left that I really liked and that's bumming me out, plus it doesn't help that the new people are quite slow. Allie left for holiday yesterday so even she isn't at work with me right now. But then when I think about it, I've had a really good week! I went for a walk from Bondi to Coogee with Clark and Sam the other day and that was great. It has been absolutely gorgeous outside lately (with the exception of cloudy today) and that always puts me in a good mood. I got to update everything on facebook and here and that made me feel accomplished (that's sad, really). I've also enjoyed a lot of time hanging out with the flatmates at various times this week and I really appreciate the time I get with them since most of our schedules don't match up well. Even at work tonight things were pretty good. I got the best compliment I've received in a while from some guys (30's or so) that were sitting outside. I opened a bottle of sparkling wine for a couple and literally ended up showering in it. It sprayed all in my face and got in my eyes and everything and all I could do was laugh. It got on the woman as well, but we both couldn't believe it happened, so we just laughed! It dried fairly quickly and they were cool about it so it was nbd. I must just be letting weird things get to me... I think I've been trying to make plans for what to do next and I need to just chill and live in the moment right now. I'm going to go to a yoga class tomorrow (hopefully... if I can find the place!) and I think doing something physical like that will help. I think I'll also go to a bookstore... that always makes me feel good (and like I want to buy everything). I miss you guys and need to hear what's going on in your lives! Send me an email or letter or something. :) All my love! <3

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