Sunday, February 14, 2010

Leaving Sydney...

So as of Thursday I will be officially homeless again! I have had such a lovely time in Sydney and I will never forget all of the wonderful people I've met. I know I haven't done a great job of keeping you guys back home updated on what I've been up to, but I will let you all know ALLLLL about it once I get home in May! Lately I've been:

1. To Melbourne and Hamilton Island (where I caught some fish and ate them, AND caught a shark... almost). That trip was amazing and I can't do it justice in the amount of time I have right now to write this.

2. Working a bit more to save up some moolah to travel. I've been working events at the bar next door (same company) a lot lately and I was completely flabbergasted when they said that was because they requested me and wanted to steal me away from Jordon's to work at Watershed! AND that Jordon's didn't want to let me go! It was amazing that someone at my job actually thinks I'm good enough to want to steal/want to keep me. Made. My. Day.

3. I have acquired the cold that my roommate had. Blah. And on top of that I have a rockin' eye infection that I've been battling for the past few days. That has kept me from working (ugh, even my Sunday double which would have been such good money!). And it means I have to wear my glasses all the time - no contacts. If you know me, you know how I hate to wear my glasses out of the house. Hate it. I'm not really a happy camper right now. BUT I have this amazing mum looking after me and I have no idea what I would do without her! Seriously, she's wonderful.

4. I've also spent some of my time panicking about leaving. Every time I remember I'm leaving in __ number of days my chest gets a bit tighter and I find my eyes start to swell with tears. I'm SOOOOOOO lame! ugh, I'm about to leave on these adventures and I can't help but know that I've met some amazing people here and I might never see them again. But I can't think like that. I will love these people forever and I hope they all know if they ever want to come to Texas (or wherever I am) they are welcome to anything I have to offer! Every ending is just a new beginning.

So that's it basically. I'm getting ready to head to Fiji where I will spend some much-needed girl quality time with Court! :) I will get open water dive certified (if the cold doesn't get in the way! blah!!!) and we will do whatever it is that you do in Fiji... relax I guess! Then I'll head to NZ for three weeks with Clark and Victoria. We're doing a Stray bus tour across the north and south islands and I plan on sky diving. I'm crazy, I know. We'll see if I can actually get the guts up to go. After March 22 when I return to Australia, I don't know exactly what I want to do, but there is a music festival in Byron Bay that I want to go to on April 5, so hopefully I can find someone to go with me. Other than that, I'll just be going around the continent until I return to Texas on May 25. I've decided to abandon the trip to Asia and I've made that the plan for my next trip to this side of the planet. I came to do Australia, and I'm going to do it properly! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Happy new year to you! I hope you all had a great holiday season! It has been a long, long time since I blogged (laziest blogger ever)... so I can't update you on EVERYTHING that has happened since that would take forever and that daunting-ness is one of the reasons I put off writing new posts anyway.

Christmas was good! It never actually felt like the holiday season because here in Aussie land they don't play Christmas tunes in stores (except the Aussie version of songs in the Australia Geographic store, that was hilarious!) and it wasn't cold at all. I didn't feel any of the usual build-up to December 25th, so I wasn't homesick at all. Manon got an advent calendar and we shared each small bit of chocolate together after we scoured the faces of the High School Musical cast for the correct date to open the window. The chocolate was terrible, but I loved sharing that with her since our time together was coming to an end. We both moved out of the 617 on Dec. 21 and I've seen her a few times since then but she's been traveling with her family and now boyfriend. I'll see her a little more before she goes home for good, but I will definitely go visit her in France someday soon!!
I worked a TON in December since there were many holiday parties and lots of visitors to good ol' Darling Harbour to keep us busy. I didn't get scheduled on Christmas day which was mostly good and only a bit bad since it was a holiday and holiday pay is around $45/hr and would have been uber nice to have... BUT. I have learned money isn't everything and I had a great day anyway. Allie and I went to Hillsong church for the Christmas morning service and it was nice. After that I went home and talked to Mom and Ken on video gchat and it was really good to see and talk to them. I was insanely jealous that they were having a white Christmas (seriously? the ONE year I'm not in Texas??) but was happy that I was having a cultural experience and embraced my Aussie Christmas. Mom even let me talk to Hunter even though I'm sure he had no idea that I was on the screen in front of him... he just wanted to play fetch. Let me tell you what, I can not WAIT to see that dog again! :) After talking to them, my friend picked me up and we went over to his house for a proper family celebration. It felt like a real holiday with all the food and hanging out and watching movies on tv and stuff. Not to mention the food was SO good! I'd have to say the mango cheesecake was at the top my list. We even had a white-elephant type gift exchange and it was really fun. I ended up with a game that is exactly a game my friends and I call "the picture game" only with a few more rules. I traded it with his mum before I left for a box of Ferro Rocher chocolates. :) Overall it was a very lovely day!

Time between Christmas and New Year's flew by. Abbey and Danielle were supposed to come visit on their way back from Fiji but ended up having a change of plans. I was bummed, but I understand. Now I can't wait for my turn to go to Fiji (which I booked for Feb 18-28!)! Anyway, I just did a lot of working and hanging out. My work schedule was frustrating, but I got over it. Some times money just isn't everything after all! I did end up working NYE like I was afraid I would have to, but it turned out so much greater than I could have imagined! I worked the boat that Jordon's has for hire and we were out in Sydney Harbour the whole evening. The people were nice, the food and champagne were good, I saw the fireworks off the bridge, and I got paid for it all! It was sweet as!! We got back to Darling Harbour around 2 and I went out with all the other people who had been working and we had a really good time. Overall, best start to a year I've ever had! And, get this, it's the first year in a long time that I didn't have a midnight kiss and I was strangely thankful for that. As I was watching the fireworks I was thinking, "hey, I don't need to kiss a guy to make my 2010 a good year... I am a strong, single woman and I will have a great year no matter how guys are involved!" The thoughts went deeper than that as well, but that was the bit about the lack of lip-locking at 12.

Since then I've been settled into my new place. I live with three Aussie dudes and one French girl and they are all really nice. I cleaned my room yesterday and made a pile of clothes to send home. I am amazed at how much crap I have! BLAH, I hate my accumulation of stuff. But it felt really nice to have a clean space finally. I've been here for a month almost and it was the first time I actually organized my stuff. I've been crazy busy... spending time at work, the gym, out.... My life is about to change completely though. Next week I'm taking a trip to Melbourne and Hamilton Island and it's going to be a blast! Then I only have a few weeks of work left before I leave! Ahh!!! I still don't know what to do about SE Asia since I don't have anyone to travel with me, but I'll figure it all out soon. I'm sweet until March 22... then I haven't a clue where I'm going at the moment. Anyone want to come join the exploration of Thailand/Cambodia/Laos/Vietnam with me??? Pretty please? :)