Sunday, November 8, 2009

it doesn't feel like november

Where has the time gone? Halloween flew by (a disappointment for me, I was too tired from working a double to fully enjoy it... plus it's nowhere near as celebrated as in the States) and now it's November. My mom and aunt are coming to visit in a bit over a week and I'm really excited for them to get here! They are leaving on Thanksgiving I'm pretty sure, and I'm not going to lie, that makes me sad a bit. I didn't realize I would miss all the festivities around Thanksgiving as much as I do. I miss the pumpkins at the grocery stores and the decorations and everything that goes with fall in America. There are some tentative plans for an American-style Thanksgiving dinner, but I'll miss my family and the cold weather. I really didn't see this coming... I'm not typically way into fall things. Summer is more my cup of tea.

Anyway, other than the bit of homesickness around the upcoming holiday season, things have been so great! I had a fantastic work schedule last week after it was all said and done (I was only scheduled for 4 shifts at first, but after speaking to my manager I got 2 more). I got to see a suburb called Wollongong for a workmate's birthday on Wednesday. It's a two hour train ride from Sydney Central station and I can't believe she does that almost everyday! It was a charming place and the two clubs we went to were superb. Exceptional dancing at the second one, I must say. ;) I also got to spend a lot of much-needed time with my housemates throughout the week and I'm so grateful for it. I made Fajitas on Melbourne Cup day for everyone and it was fantastic. I throughly love cooking for big groups of friends, it makes my heart happy. The Melbourne Cup was awesome too! I was working and I bet on a horse and it was so extremely exciting! I heard that the entire country literally stops for a few minutes to watch this race and it was true! Sadly, my horse didn't win but it was great anyway. :) Thursday we went out for nachos and a drink at a fancy bar in a tall, revolving tower with great views of the city. It was absolutely lovely! Friday was a girl's birthday from upstairs and there was a giant party up there. I hit it up after work but crashed soon after and when I was trying to fall asleep I thought the ceiling was going to fall in! The dance party was ridiculously loud and some of the housemates weren't very happy about it the next day.

This weekend I spent a lot of time working, as usual. Things are going to start changing up again soon. Some work people had their last shifts today and two of my flatmates are leaving on Friday. I am very curious as to who is going to move in and how things will be at work. I think I'm starting to get used to people coming and going often... at least I hope I am. I will really miss the two Belgium guys and my work friends, but I think I'm getting better at the staying in touch business.

Random side note: while I'm going through my life here, I've begun to think, "I should say this in my blog!" or "I want to tell everyone about this in my blog!" and they are usually clever and funny, but I always forget what I wanted to say! They are more interesting and better organized than what I end up writing so I apologize that you get this version. I'm either going to start writing these gems of thoughts down, or try harder to remember them.

If you'd like a postcard from me, please email me your address. Also, if you have any new music that you think I should listen to, email me that too! or if you just want to update me on YOUR life, email me as well!!!


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