Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Before I go...

I wanted to set up a blog before I leave on my glorious adventure mostly so I won't forget to do it, and because I'm super excited about my trip! I feel sorta silly writing one of these things about myself and my life because I don't honestly feel like anything that happens in my life is exciting enough for other people to care about, but that is all soon to change! I have exactly 33 days until I leave and soooooo much to get done in that time.

Before I go I am taking the GRE so that once I get back I can work on getting into grad school. Right now I'm planning on becoming an Occupational Therapist and UNC is my goal. I'm setting this blog up right now instead of studying... I just can NOT focus tonight! Now that I have a real goal hopefully studying will be easier since it has a purpose. Hopefully. So far that has not been the story.

But this blog is about Australia! I do have some information to share with you. My mailing address while I'm away will be:

Shalyn Elise SHANKS
c/o IEP, Locked Bag 5065
Sydney South
NSW 1235

The IEP office in Sydney will hold my mail for me or forward it to wherever I am. The last name underlining business is just so they don't confuse anything, same with adding the middle name. I will be there starting August 26 (even though I leave on the 24... ahh traveling for a day straight and losing a day!), so feel free to write me as much snail-mail as you'd like! I love it!!!

I will keep you updated on everything else before I leave and once I get over there. This will be the place to find out where I am, what I'm doing for a job, what I'm doing for fun, and who I'm meeting! Fingers crossed that things start to get exciting...

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