Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's so close now!

So I leave in 4 days and I am really ridiculously excited. I took the GRE on Wednesday (did well) and now all I have to do is get ready for my trip! My to-do list is long and as I cross things off, I keep thinking of more to add! The items that are biggies like packing and working on my resume are not getting done because they are the least fun. It's pretty much crunch-time now though, so I'm sure I'll get to those soon...

I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I'm going to miss Austin and everyone I love here in Texas. I know y'all will have a lot going on in your lives, but just know that I'll be missing you and would really appreciate a letter or package or anything. If you have skype, my name is shalynelise and I'd love to hear from you. I think I should have reasonable access to the internet and I will be sure to post pictures and stories about what is going on.

Now I better get back to that horribly long list of stuff to get done...